secret place

Rest. Jesus has been speaking to me a lot about rest lately. In Indonesia He told me that if I don’t slow down I will crash and it won’t be pretty. So I took His advice and took two weeks off in Hong Kong to recover from and process through the last seven months. I needed Jesus to show up in this time because I left my close knit, supportive community from DTS, then I left my crazy amazing Indo team, and then finally I left my extraordinary and loving sisters. I needed Him to be my community, my team, and my friend, and not that this surprises me in any but He did, but not how I expected.

In these last two weeks, I’ve had the most incredible time with Jesus. I have found, or rather He has revealed to me this secret place with Him. It’s the sweet, simple, yet most extravagant place with Him. Where He takes me as I am, where I don’t have to do anything but receive what He has for me. Where I just get to relax and bask in His fiery love for me. It’s where I feel most safe, most known, most loved, and most secure. It’s this place where He and I become one and nothing else in this world matters because we are enough for each other. Where I don’t have to strive, or rush, or worry. Where I can just rest in His arms, at His feet, or in His embrace. Whether it’s laying at His feet for hours listening to His love songs over me, or a rainy rooftop dance party rejoicing in our intense love for each other. In these moments of pure freedom and bliss He makes me feel so special, so loved, so treasured, and so worth His time. I mean how could I not fall more and more in love with Him by the second.

This is the rest that my soul, my body, my mind has been longing for. It’s the rest in His secure love that He is all I need. That He will take care of me. That as much as I want to run around the world sharing His beautiful name, first and foremost I need to simply rest, worship, and soak in His love. I need Him to refill me so I don’t run dry when I’m pouring out.

Guys it’s time we slow down, rest, and receive His mercy and trust that He knows what is best for us. As I head back into full time ministry He is challenging me to make this secret place a lifestyle, a part of my everyday life, because without it I’m going to crash and I won’t be able to pour out His love to others if I don’t let Him pour it out on me first. I now know that this sweet rest is deeply important and I need to make time for it even on the busiest days. It deserves to have priority in my schedule. He deserves to have priority in my schedule, my life, and my heart.

                                I wanna sit at your feet, drink from the cup in your hands                                                               lay back against you and breathe, feel your heartbeat.

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