the one

To bring truth to the lost & hurting. That’s my call. God has given me a heart for the one. For the individual right in front of me. To see that person through the eyes and heart of Jesus.

I feel honored that God has given me such a precious piece of Him. He has quite literally shared His heart for the lost and hurting. He has shared with me His thoughts about the thirteen year old girl standing on the side of the road forced to sell her body. He tells me that she is beautiful and lovely and worth so much more than any price a man could offer her for sex. God has shared His pain and tears with me for the 20 year old girl being abused and exploited right in front of my eyes. Now I know when I cry for His people I am crying His tears-feeling His pain for His hurting children. Because they are His children, His sons and daughters being exploited right in front of me, right in front of Him- how painful that is and now I get it, I understand why it hurts so bad. I know when my heart is torn apart it is because His is too, and has been for some time now. It’s a precious gift that I will treasure forever. To feel Gods heart for His children all across the world. the same love that drove Jesus to the cross to lay down His life for us drives me to lay down my life – whatever it may look like- for God’s beloved people. To give everything I have so that one may feel loved and know the truth that she or he is loved deeper than I could ever put into words. Just as Jesus chases after the one so will I. Just as Jesus gave up His life to love the one so will I. Just as Jesus became broken so He could reach the one so will I.

He has given me a love for these girls that are trapped in sex trafficking, a love that is so intense and fierce and radical and reckless that I do not even understand and I don’t think any human brain can. Its a love that can’t be contained or stopped. Its a love that compels me to give up my American life and go to the darkness so that I can reach these girls. Its a love that drives me to go into the worst brothels night after night, knowing it will break me to the core, knowing it will destroy me, knowing its too much to bare, all so that one girl may feel loved and cared for. A love that pushes me to put my own life at risk so that my new friend isn’t forced to have sex with random men for a night. a love that compels me to go, no matter the cost, no matter the risk or the danger or the fear, no matter the heart break, sleepless nights, or emotional damage that comes. A love that sees the 150,000 people being sold that night but diligently chases after the one. A love that doesn’t make sense. A love that to this world looks completely nuts and illogical.

“There’s no shadow you won’t light up, mountain you won’t climb up coming after (them). No wall you won’t kick down lie you won’t tear down coming after (them)” –Bethel Music

When I was in Thailand, God gave me this song to sing over those being sold every day. To this day I can’t hear this song without crying because I now understand this reckless love that God has for these girls. He has let me catch a glimpse of His heart that breaks daily for them. I had a conversation with the Lord a while back as I was trying to understand the craziness of this love. I began to tell Him how painful and crippling the love I have for these women is, how it feels like it could kill me and break me beyond repair, and He responded with “well, it did break me, it actually did kill me.” And I was stunned. wow He really will stop at nothing to get to them, to get to us. He paid it all and I’m prepared to do the same.

“God is not crazy, the way He loves however, is exactly that. God is utterly unconcerned with the consequence with regard to His own safety, comfort, and well being. His love doesn’t consider Himself first. He doesn’t wonder what He will gain or lose by putting Himself on the line. His love isn’t cautious or careful. It’s a call for death. He gives Himself away again & again & again. He doesn’t care what it’ll cost Him, He is willing to lay down his life to get their heart.” – Cory Asbury

This is the love I am after, this is the love Jesus has shared with me for His children. And this is why I have to go. I am not telling you guys all of this for any reason other than that you might understand a little bit of what I am about to tell you next. I am moving to Asia- for a while- to chase after these girls that the Lord and I love so recklessly. I can no longer stand on the sidelines and hope someone else will take care of it- because no one else is going to. I have to go. in fact I’m overjoyed to go. So this spring I will go to Thailand to do outreach in the red light districts. I’ll spend my nights loving the men and women working there so deeply. and I couldn’t be more excited. I’m holding it all with hands wide open. So I am inviting you to join in on the journey with me in following where the Lord leads. Following His crazy radical love around the world to love the lost & hurting, the ones who think they have been forgotten.

“You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know.” – William Wilberforce.

You may want to think twice next time before you ask God to share His heart with you (; jkjk but for real, it will ruin you for ordinary life.

On another note since I will be living overseas for an extended amount of time, I will need people to support me financially either monthly or with a one time gift. If you are reading this post and feel the Lord tugging on your heart to join this journey with me, you can do by clicking on the link below. Because I will be gone indefinitely, I am looking for monthly supporters but of course anything helps!! With the link below you can read more in depth of what exactly I’ll be doing there, and you can find a break down of my budget and the amount I am looking to raise!