true adventure

I love the feeling where God has shown me and taught me so much that I don´t have a clue how to put words to it yet alone process it. That´s exactly where I am at the moment. Jesus is chasing His people here in Cyprus and its so beautiful to be a part of seeing that unfold. To see God touch His precious children is something that will never grow old. This week has been a full week of ministry. It has been breathtaking to watch people become overwhelmed by the love of God.

Last Sunday, we did an evangelism event on the boardwalk right next to the Sea. Just thinking back to this day brings chills to me because the Spirit moved in such mighty ways. We partnered with the other YWAM team that we had ran into. We saw numerous healings starting with someone who´s shoulder had been injured. Some members of the team prayed for him and he was healed instantly. We watched him walk away testing out his fully restored shoulder. Hallelujah am I right? We watched left and right as the gospel was being spread, the Holy Spirit was touching many many people, and more people coming to Jesus than we could keep track of. I got to talk to a young woman siting in Mcdonalds and simply spoke life and her identity over her (which she had never heard before), shared the gospel, and told her my testimony. I could see on her face that the Holy Spirit was moving. I got to pray for her and watch Jesus meet her right where she was. It was such a precious moment. I love getting to watch Jesus meet His people when they least expect it.





17886936_1518923294785424_2077109344_o.jpgYesterday, we did some street worship by a Greek Orthodox church, and man was God on the move. Most people we talked to had of course heard about God but they did not know Him as a personal savior who wants a relationship with them, rather they were stuck in religion and rituals. My heart broke for these people because they did not understand how simple the gospel is and God´s heart for them as individuals. I got to pray for so many people and watch them be filled with the Holy Spirit. There were some powerful encounters. We saw a girl who could barely put weight on her ankle walk away with almost no pain after my team prayed for her. We also saw a woman with a very rare bone disease who had always been in constant pain, be completely healed in minutes! THANK YOU JESUS!

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God is teaching me to make this ministry a lifestyle: sharing the good news of God´s love with everyone I interact with. It´s too precious of a gift to not share. I have been blessed with this truth and now it is my responsible to bless others with this truth. It goes back to the beginning of Genesis, we are: blessed to be a blessing. God´s heart for the nations can be seen at the very beginning of the bible, not just in the Great Commission. The great commission is actually a reaffirmation of the Abrahamic covenant, it has always been about the nations, God´s heart has always been chasing after the gentiles.

“I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you. I will make your name great and you will be a blessing… and all peoples on earth will be blessed by you.” Genesis 12:2-3

He blessed me by revealing Himself to me, redeeming me, and giving me salvation, and now I have a responsibility to share that blessing and revelation of Him to the lost, whether that be in America, or in the Middle East. This is my call. This is every Christian´s call. Yes it is uncomfortable at times, yes it is almost always challenging, but thank the Lord it is not about me anyways. So who cares if I look crazy, cause the most of the time I probably do! There are lost people living without God´s perfect love and that breaks my heart. I cannot imagine living without Jesus. I have stayed quiet for too long. I have a free gift that they do not know that they need. Wherever I am, my call is to make disciples, to reach the lost, to love like Jesus.

God is also teaching me to let Him interrupt my schedule. Wherever I am, whatever I am doing, if I feel Him telling me to talk to someone it is my duty to obey; where they spend eternity could be on the line. I´ve also learned so much about stepping out in boldness and praying for healing. God does not want us in pain and my leaders have inspired me by reaching out to hurt and sick people no matter where they are and watching God bring His kingdom by completely restoring people´s bodies. Its so insane. One day one of them was walking back from the coffee shop to our flat and she saw a man with an injured leg. After praying for him, he could walk on it like normal! PRAISE THE LORD! We´ve had encounters like this daily, it so unbelievable! I am learning to be in tune with the Holy Spirit and really just listen and obey. We have seen multiple people come to Jesus because we hear His voice, feel His love for His people, and obey.


“There´s a yes in our hearts, and it carries through eternity. Simple obedience, it changes history”


God brings the harvest to ripeness but He wants to use His people to reap it. Isn’t that so neat? He could easily do it on His own but He wants to spend time with us and partner with us to reach His people. He wants to rule with us. God has really given me His heart for the unreached people. He breaks my heart for what breaks His, time and time again. I am growing to really enjoy reaching people on the street and in everyday encounters! It is so exciting to never know what Jesus is going to do next. Life with God is never boring- it is a true adventure.

2 thoughts on “true adventure”

  1. Well done Julianna , God bless you, it was my pleasure to see jesus healing people. I will keep praying as you did , and I’m learning everyday from God.

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