
The other night here in Hong Kong, we marched around the red light district seven times announcing the Kingdom and claiming Jesus’ victory over this place. Over these lives. He is victorious so we are victorious through Him. God has been teaching me a lot about his victory and what that means for us.

A couple weeks ago when I was in Indonesia, my team and I witnessed freedom being spread like never before. Chains breaking, burdens lifting, and captives set free. Now spiritual warfare is a very real thing even though sometimes we westerners like to water it down. It’s real. It’s intense. But it doesn’t have to be scary because we know the Victor. As we traveled from island to island we saw demons, spirits, and curses flee at the name of Jesus, as freedom, life, and truth filled the individuals once bound by darkness. One day during a house visit we got the privilege to pray for a young girl who had some generational stuff going on, and as we were just asking God to bring His kingdom, His perfect, peaceful, loving, and joyous Kingdom, the girl passed out. It was the most beautiful thing as we saw her fall into Jesus’ and simple lay at His feet as He took care of the rest. All she had to do was rest in Him and He did everything else. Isn’t that just so sweet? The rest of us continued to declare freedom over her as we sang hallelujah and amazing grace. It was so evident that we were really in a war, fighting for life. Fighting for freedom. Fighting with Jesus for this individual. And in that moment, heaven opened up, the Kingdom fell on earth as she woke up and immediately lifted her hands to Jesus. All together we celebrated Jesus’ victory through her. We celebrated freedom. We celebrated a new beginning. We celebrated Jesus, and we thanked Him taking it on the cross so she didn’t have to take it on earth. He has overcome.

“I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

We are in a war its true, and we have to fight for the nation, for the city, for the individual, and for ourselves. But we aren’t fighting for victory, but from victory, which makes it exciting since we know the outcome. The battle in America could quite possibly look very different than the battle in Asia, but it doesn’t mean it’s not there. We have a very real and mean enemy that wants to destroy us, but we know the Victor and we can rejoice because we share in His victory over all darkness and evil. And that is the exciting thing.

It is truly such an honor that Jesus trusts me enough to use me as vessel all over the world to help Him set captives free and see freedom reign.

“I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you” Luke 10:19