This week’s topic was the Bible. My group studied the story in Mark 1 where Jesus heals a leper, and at first glance I found nothing new since I had read that story many many times before, but God, being his awesome self, revealed some cool stuff to me and my group.
The leper would have been an outcast. He would have been very lonely because it is probable that no one has payed attention to him, talked to him and definitely not touched him in a while. He would had probably been kicked out of his town and sent to a desolate area because of how contagious the disease is. However, our beautiful King, touches the man, and heals him.
“Then a leper came to Jesus and began pleading with Him. He fell on his knees and told Him, ‘If you want to, you can make me clean’. Moved with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand, touched him and told him ‘I do want to. Be made clean!’. Instantly the leprosy left him and he was clean.” Mark 1:40-42
Yes it was incredible that he was healed, but I could not help but think that just having Jesus touch him meant the world. He did not just have anyone touch him, but the Messiah. Incredible. This really showed me how personal God is. He wants to know us, and then heal us. He is not just worried about making people clean, but what he desires is relationship. He came close to the man just as He comes close to me. He is not worried about what the people surrounding Him say about Him placing His hands on an unclean person. Instead he makes the leper feel like it is just them two in that moment. I am unclean. Jesus, the purest of pure, touches me, heals me, and wants a relationship with me. If that is not scandalous love I do not know what it. He makes the leper feel important, loved, and seen, just by a simple touch. Ugh He is so good.
I have felt Jesus’ touch a lot lately, however, in ways that I am not used to. Jesus and I had the best time hanging out at the beach together the other day. It was stormy and beautiful. We spent a couple hours, just us two, walking, laughing, smiling, singing, talking and dancing. At that moment it was just us two, and I felt important, loved, and seen. Today, my friends and I went on a long hike and again in this time I felt that it was just me and God hiking the mountain together, surrounded by His beautiful creation.
He told me on that afternoon at the beach to spend this time simply delighting in Him and enjoying my time with Him. While there are a million things happening around, it comforts me knowing that first and foremost God desires to deepen our relationship. He is teaching me to seek Him in my random everyday activities. I do not spend every day laughing with God at the beach or hiking a mountain with Him, but I am learning to pursue Him whether I am walking through the sand, or doing the dishes. I want to get to know Him and seek Him every second of every day. In His presence I am so satisfied. I am quickly learning that He is enough for me. Being with Him is all I need. He is so simple, His love is so simple and He is teaching me how simple delighting in Him is. Its beautiful to be focused daily on just getting to know God more.